View: karencommins - page 2

Secret History Revealed

Review from The Kingdoms of Savannah →

I enjoyed and appreciated the unveiling of secret histories both large and huge, and the at-times-great storytelling. I was, however very disappointed by the last 90 minutes with a seemingly-endless rescue mission in flooding tunnels. There are also real issues with the narration, which is split up between chapters rather by characters, so sometimes you..

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i was bored.

Review from The Kingdoms of Savannah →

I thought this would be more like midnight in the garden of good and evil and it just wasn’t. I didn’t care about the characters and the story was hard to follow. is this a mystery or is this just an excuse to write about social issues. one can write about social issues with the..

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The work ethic that Celina had.

Review from So Big →

I loved the story of a woman with a positive attitude succeeding with hard work. I did not care for the over the top descriptions with words that are seldom used. I don’t think people in that era and location would have had that vocabulary.