View: pheitsch

Lots of Halloween fun

Review from A Dragonlings’ Haunted Halloween and Night of the Demented Symbiots →

A Dragonlings’ Haunted Halloween Imagine a Halloween rollercoaster ride through a haunted forest for the aliens who do not understand what Halloween is about. This is laugh out loud funny. The different reactions between the the dragonlings and their fathers had me laughing so hard. I loved it. Night of the Demented Symbiots (The Dragonlings’..

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A fun listen…

Review from Kill Your Heroes →

Honestly, I was entertained by this story, however, it was lackluster in many regards. It could’ve been a little more fleshed out, and it pains me that there is no continuation. The overall story was enjoyable, but there was no real sense of tension, and the fights were vague, hard to imagine and I prefer..

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