Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?
Yes, but conditionaly. This is not recommended for those who don’t enjoy military SiFi , or those who haven’t explored this genre.
What does Andrew B. Wehrlen bring to the story that you wouldn’t experience if you just read the book?
For me, Andrew saves this story. Someone with less skill would not have been able to successfully pull it off.
Any additional comments?
First, to get it out of the way “I was voluntarily provided this free review copy audiobook by the author, narrator, or publisher”. That being said This story,while not being bad,is not destined for one of the greats. The first half, for me, was difficult to to get through. This was one of those I found myself walking away from frequently in the beginning. About half way through It does finally draw the intrest of the listener,and make it worthwhile one time listen. It does help that there isn’t any perfect little ” Sgt. Yorks” in the story. That would have turned a fair story into a truly dreadful one.
While not the greatest of Military Science Fiction, it is far from the worst. If you like this type of SiFi , you may enjoy this one overall. If it isn’t one of your favorite styles, I suggest you steer clear of this one.