Got this as just something in between – waiting for my pre-order to come in. Pleasantly surprised. Story is about several characters, main one is a mother trying to get to her mother’s house to save her children after an EMP. She winds up meeting several groups along the way and invites one group to join her (which they do at a much later point.) She is a semi prepper although not a trained soldier or what I would call a true survivalist at this point but she learns quickly.
Fast moving story with more behind the scenes action like a full out attack of (unknown origin soldiers) against the US. Story is told from several view points which is refreshing. Although a lot happens in a short time, the story moves on tying all the pieces together. I believe this is going to be a great series.
I usually try to buy books that are at least 8 hours long for my travels and this would be a short criticism. I always feel my credits should be saved for the longer books but at some point I will get the next one in this series.