Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? If so, why?
I would highly recommend this book to entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs. If this was this was the only book you bought regarding business operations and setup and you applied what is in here you would be well off.
What was one of the most memorable moments of Traction?
The way the author lays out the process of building a scalable plan. Lays out what type of person to fill a position and actually gets you to think while you build out the plan while he is talking about it. This is a must read business book and going in my top 10 list.
Which scene was your favorite?
Not a particular part of the book but just the way the author references previous books and authors and gives credit to where some of his ideas originated is always something I like.

Was this a book you wanted to listen to all in one sitting?
Yes. Finished the audiobook and starting on the physical book when finished and looking for a workbook for it too.