Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? If so, why?
Absolutely…because it’s Mark Goodwin! I love the Christian aspect to his books as it brings a different viewpoint to what’s to come as compared to the typical apocalyptic series.
What was one of the most memorable moments of Apocalypse?
“of course you do” in response to the chain saw…it’s what was coming out of my mouth as Keven read the words!! lol loved it!!!
Which scene was your favorite?
The initial cave scene was cool as what the group was thinking was a disappointment was, in fact, not so much!
Was there a moment in the book that particularly moved you?
I would say the scene with “so & so” being ???? and then ????, but I kinda thought it was coming!!
Any additional comments?
I wasn’t aware that Mark was writing a sequel to The Days of Noah, so I was absolutely thrilled when I can across it!