This was a really great listen. This is a mm fantasy book that is action packed and well written. Mouse is a great character; a thief, assassin, and all around bad ass. He is small of stature but larger than life in personality. Garron is not as dynamic, but a quiet force to offset Mouse’s high energy. Most of the book is about Garron’s rescue, with an underlying mystery that is revealed at the end. My only criticism is I wish the story had focused a little more on the romance. It seemed a little rushed in the last 20% of the book. Although there is a satisfying HEA, it also seemed a little awkward. I didn’t understand Mouse’s actions when he “ran away”. Then there was a time jump of a few months. It all seemed out of place with the rest of the story. But overall, a good story. Joel Leslie once again brings an A class performance. He brings the right mix of sarcasm, humor and emotion to the story. I hope we hear more from Mouse and Garron in the future.