Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? If so, why?
Absolutely! I haven’t listened/read many Sci-Fi books, but I’m glad I stumbled upon this one. The book was well written, the characters well developed and I didn’t notice any plot holes. Well done!
What was one of the most memorable moments of Quarter Share?
The trading of goods from one planet to the next. Great idea.
Have you listened to any of Jeffrey Kafer’s other performances before? How does this one compare?
I have not.
Any additional comments?
I thoroughly enjoyed this listen. The story was great, but Jeffrey Kafer’s connection to the characters made it more enjoyable, in my opinion. I listened to it all in one go. The only thing I found odd–but it in no way took away from the story–was the fact that nothing bad seemed to happen to any of the characters. There weren’t many major obstacles that they had to go through to get from point A to point B. Everything seemed to fall into place as it should and work out in each characters’ favor. Other than that, I felt as if I was onboard the ship and that Ish’s friends were my friends, too. Great story. I’ll be picking up the second book.