I fell in love with the way Joel Leslie brought Larson and Troy to life in Black Balled. Then he upped the ante with his performance in Guns Blazing (Lloyd’s story). But with Hard Edit, I have fallen in love with Joel (Hence the trifecta :))
I want to marry him, just so he can tell me about his day in that brilliant voice of his.

The distinction between the characters seemed effortless- his characterisation of Ida, Thelma were brilliant. He had the right amount of snark to pull off not 1, but 2 arrogant males. I have listened to several books narrated by Joel Leslie (and other really good narrators), but this performance is (as Troy aka Babu would say) perfection.
It was nice to ‘see’ Lloyd and Luke again -helped with the fact that it has been the same narrator all the way.
Hard Edit is a brilliant sequel to Black Balled – really good, funny with a good emotional depth. And the narration makes it perfect.