I guess if you enjoy incompetent police investigations then this book might please you. I am no Columbo but by Chapter 15, it was apparent what the books final chapter would entail. True crime readers would have had it solved by the second chapter. What caused the demise of three purely innocent souls, is the quasi like attitude towards interfering with the “Family” in Utah and if two NYC police detectives interrogated this punk of a man named Josh, he would have broke on day one, and truly prevented this tragic slaughter.
I guess Josh is in the Mormon Underworld which we Christians call Hell, and Josh surely will never become a god of his own planet. Break away groups from the Mormon church web their way throughout this state in a tentacle like manner with very little investigation or prosecution because of this wayward churches immense power, and in the end its dogma reaches even into investigations state-wide. What a travesty of justice, from the actual crimes, to the 30 months sentence from the judge without a moral compass. There might be a group of readers out there that enjoy books that show incompetence from beginning to end, then might suggest this book whole heartedly.