Ryder is a single dad who was widowed when his wife left him for another man. He is raising his son with her ex and their son. Yeah, crazy family dynamics. Enter Darcy, the babysitter. Darcy isn’t even old enough to drink, yet she is in love with Ryder. But he pays her no attention. Until one fateful night. Things happen that he regrets and he tells her it can’t happen again. But Darcy won’t accept that. They start a “secret” benefits only relationship, but it becomes too much for Ryder and, yet again, he calls it quits. He wants her, but the age difference bothers him. Plus, add in the fact his wife left him for another man, so he believes he can’t commit to a relationship. His job and his son are first priority. Her family get togethers become too much for him to deal with. He’s not used to that much family and everyone in everyone else’s business.

Will Darcy convince him that the age difference doesn’t matter? Will Ryder loosen his strings and see what life could be like? Will her family give them space to figure things out?

Lee Daniels and Connor Young are both new to me narrators. Lee portrayed Darcy’s mature youth (yeah a bit of an oxymoron). Connor portrayed Ryder’s guilt and pleasure push-pull quite well.