Where does Z-Burbia rank among all the audiobooks you’ve listened to so far?
Definitely in my top 5 of zom-poc/dystopain favorites!
What did you like best about this story?
Jace’s sense of humor is so funny and definitely had me laughing out loud. Elsbeth is also very entertaining
Which scene was your favorite?
Any scene where ‘longpork’ was mentioned!
Was this a book you wanted to listen to all in one sitting?
Definitely. It had all of the drama of an apocalypse book and the humor was an added bonus
Any additional comments?
I really loved this book! Some parts (and people.. Brenda kelly) were infuriating, but Jace has a way of getting his friends and family out of sticky situations!

Jake is a phenomenal writer and the narrator really brought the characters to life!