The tale begins with volcanoes erupting in Iceland; not just one or two, but thirty! Poisonous gas covers the land killing thousands. Massive tsunamis reach out to distant shores killing millions. The ash cloud rises into the atmosphere, blocking the sun, initiating a new Ice Age. Due to the tsunamis, nuclear power plants are covered in water causing meltdowns, killing millions more via radiation sickness. Within the ash cloud a tremendous monster walks, miles high and a mile wide, each step causing tremors within the earth. This gigantic entity called the Apocalypse Machine searches out human population zones killing million more. The earth is devastated by what is known as a mass extinction event. Robinson opines, “The world was evaluated and found wanting”; its mission, “The complete eradication of mankind.” How to stop this apparently indestructible monstrosity? The premise is interesting although totally preposterous. I did like the characters and the narration was well done.