Ken Lozito’s Book 3 of the Ascension series, Star Alliance, picks up immediately where book 2 ended with Zack captured by the Xiiginn. Kaylan refuses to give up on Zack, much to the chagrin of the Boxans who believe that discretion (or desertion) is the better part of valor. Meanwhile, Zack and his sidekick alien friend are dealing with heavy interrogation tactics as the Xiiginns are looking to add another alien race to their menagerie collection. As usual Kaylan’s instincts are spot on, while the Boxans continue to demonstrate themselves to be clueless and mostly behind the curve.

The sci-fi elements are in line with the first two books. We are privy to a bit more description of the Xiiginn who appear to be galactic bullies trying to obtain useful skills and traits from the any other intelligent race they encounter. Humans (at least some) display the dubious distinction of being able to resist the Xiiginn’s natural coercion. Combined with some humans possessing the “Mordoxian” trait seems to place humanity in a unique position within the galactic family. Nothing yet is coming together to suggest some future resolution state.

The narration is well done, although the alien species have a decidedly artificial alien speech pattern.