I can’t believe this trilogy is over. This is the Science Fiction Space Odyssey type books that I long for because it is non-stop action adventure. I can easily recommend this series for all ages even though it has a tiny bit of romance in it. The romance portion isn’t graphic and is just enough to make the books realistic. Although the trilogy ended well enough to wrap up the adventure, it does end making you want to follow the crew of the Athena earth ship and the aliens they’ve encountered to the conclusion of their missions. How does the war between the races end? Who reaches earth first? So many unanswered questions but each book wraps up nicely yet leaves you begging for more.

I especially loved the descriptions of each race’s reaction to the other’s culture, diversity and looks.I was intrigued with their response to each other individually and collectively as a species. It was realistic enough that I could see myself in both the humans and other species thoughts and responses to the other.

I tore through approximately 22 hours of listening pleasure and searched for more of this adventure. I kept telling myself to have patience, however, I experienced frustration when I tried to find the other series that Ken Lozito has;The Safanarion Order. I thought I could quench my thirst for more of the Alliance series by substituting The Safanarion Order Series in the hopes it might be just as good or a tie in to the other series. However, it isn’t available on Audible.
