Interesting and unique story line. I was anticipating something quite different, but the story and Kevin Pierce soon had me interested and paying close attention. The story begins with a government medical report conveying the result of their research that dog dander was the cause for 90% of the cancer cases in the U.S.. With this information the government issued orders that all dogs should be confiscated and put to death. This is the basis for the title of the novel and the trigger that caused civil unrest throughout the country and the beginning of a potential civil war. The tale proceeds as a commentary on social media, government overreach and corruption, and the struggle to preserve our rights, freedom and the Constitution. This debut novel by a new author was well thought out and executed. Well done and thank you Mr. Walker. Kevin Pierce’s performance was flawless as usual. The tale certainly comes from a libertarian mind, but that’s alright by me. It highlights and warns of possibilities and potential problems straight from today’s headlines, television and radio broadcasts. Caveat emptor!