Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? If so, why?
Yes, many of my friends are into the Lovecraft universe and the author does a great job of mixing the mind bending horror with the action of an Armageddon.
What other book might you compare The Tower of Zhaal to and why?
I would have to say it would be a mix between “14” and any of the Dark Tower series.
Which character – as performed by Jeffrey Kafer – was your favorite?
I really like Cathy’s spunky attitude and I think Jeffery does a great job at pulling it off.
Was this a book you wanted to listen to all in one sitting?
The last half I could have, but the beginning had a bit of buildup that was a little harder for me.
Any additional comments?
I received this book from the narrator/author for free via Audiobookboom for an unbiased review.