Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? If so, why?
I definitely would. The writing was unique and clever and the characters were brought to life so well by Joel Leslie, I couldn’t ask for more.
Who was your favorite character and why?
Mouse! The man is sneaky, sly, conniving and intelligent. He has this arsenal of disguises and voices and who better to bring all this alter egos to life than Joel Leslie who too holds an arsenal of different voices and tones.
Which scene was your favorite?
The underlying mystery revealed.
Was there a moment in the book that particularly moved you?
The whole damn thing really. I was entertained and intrigued from start to finish.
Any additional comments?
This story was so much fun. It reminded me a bit of Prison Break but with gay characters instead up to no good. Definitely worth a listen if you like the Author and/or narrator. Me, I buy books just because Joel Leslie narrates them, and I highly recommend you do that with this one.